Tuesday, March 7, 2017

nau bajaa 2

a)    Pachima :
Pachima is known as Khing in Newari language. The appearance of Pachima is similar to the shape of Khhen (egg), so it is named as Khing. The average size of Pachima is 24 inches long, 12 inches wide at the middle and at the end of one side it is 8 inches while other side is 9.5 inches. Both the ends of the instrument is covered with the skin of animals in which Khau (a black spot) to give melodious sound is filled partly. The larger side of the instrument is named as Manka and smaller one as Nas.

b)    Dhime :
It is a very special musical instrument played in Newari culture. The presence of Dhime in any events of place determines the presence of Newari culture there. Though there are Dhime of different sizes they are of same shape and appearance. It is made of hollow wooden frame of metal whose both ends are shield with skins. One side is played by necked hand and the other one is with a stick. The side which is played with nacked hand is very thinly coated with masala.

c)  Nya Khing :
       It is one of the ning Tha Bajas of Nau Baja which is similar to the small size Dha. The side which is shield with skin is not coated with any kind of masalas in this instrument. It is played in special period of every festivals and Jatras. The newars of Kathmandu plays this instrument while taking dead body of any person to the Ghat.
d) Kot :
Kot is one of the major typical musical instrument of Badhya cast of Newars which is a combination of three Tha Bajas. Kot is played along with Pona and has a special importance. Specially it is played on Shrawan Gulamas, Chiva puja and other major pujas in the Buddish monasterys. Though it is one of the major musical instrument of Buddhis it is also given a special place in Nau Baja which shows the presence of multi religious aspects in Newari culture.

e) Pona :
      It is a kind of musical instrument played by blowing the air. It is also a unique musical instrument of Newari traditional music which is only used by Newari communities. About 1 meter long this instrument is played in Dafa Bhajan, Gula Baja, Kot etc. It is played specially at the time of starting some good deeds or programs.  Besids Newars other class of people in Nepal also plays a similar musical instrument as Pona but their melody, musical composion and way of blowing the air is very different than this.

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