Tuesday, March 7, 2017

nau bajaaa

Nau Baja - The Traditional Newari Musical Instruments.
Newari Traditional Music
The traditional Newar music have been arranged into a particular schedule. One of the dominant forms of traditional Newar music is 'Dapha'. Dapha music is a classical newar music that probably originated during late 'Lichhavi Period' and flourished in the 'Malla period'. Basically, the songs of Dapha music are devotional songs based on classical ragas. Dapha music is played by bands known as 'Dapha Khalah' that may be associated with a traditional groups called 'guthi'. According to the ragas certain songs are played at certain season or time of day. The songs generally narrate or depict the mood of the particular season. Besides the seasonal and scheduled ragas, various ragas are played during specific events, such as Deepak raga (played when a monarch passes away).

Seasons, their festivals and music accompanying them are as follows:

Grishma (Summer)
Sithinakha to Gathāmuga Chare
Played during plantation
Barshā (Monsoon)
Gathāmuga Chare to Yanlā Punhi
Tukājyā,Silu mye
Sad songs,while moving to Gosainkunda
Sharad (Autumn)
Dashian (Mohanee)
Incorporated into mainstream Nepalese music as the music of Dashain
Hemant (Winter)

Fagu purnima/Holi
Holi mye
Played during Fagu purnima
Shree panchami to Buddha Jayanti
Played to Head of state of Nepal in Nasalchowk on Vasant Panchami

1.2 Nau Baja:

Nau Baja stands for Dha, Kot, Pachima, Dhancha, Dhime, Dholak, Kokhing, Nyakhing and Nagara in total nine combined musical instruments (skin made related) played in the special occasions and fesvitals is one of the unique and important traditional music of Newari community of Bhaktapur. It is a living legend of Newari culture. Though Nau Baja is a combination of nine major musical instruments as mentioned above other helping musical instruments like Muhali, Ponga, Bayecha, Sichha, Bhuchhya, and Ta are used to add melody in the music. This is why Nau Baja can be categorized into three parts according the musical instruments used.
·  Tha Baja : Nine major instruments; Dhhan, Kot, Pachhima, Dhhancha, Dhime, Dholak, Kokhhincha, Nayakhhincha and Nagara.

·         Dhatu Baja: Supporting instruments; Dhuchha, Sichha, Khwolimalicha and Ta.

·         Fwu Baja: Instruments played by the blow of air; Ponga, Muhali and Bayecha.

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