Friday, June 9, 2017


The third day of the bright fortnight of Bhadra (August-September) is popularly known as Teej or Haritalika. The Nepalese Hindu women mark it with pomp and pageantry. This is the day Parvati, the daughter of the Himalayas, is said to have won the heart of Lord Shiva by dint of her deep devotion and made him accept her as his wife. There is a very interesting story about it.Parvatraj, the great king of the Himalayas, once decided to marry Parvati to Lord Vishnu though he very well knew that his daughter was in deep love with Lord Shiva. Necessary arrangements were made for the wedding to take place following day. Poor Parvati was terribly upset. So the decided to run away. She asked her female attendants to work out an escape plan. Soon after the night fell, her good friends stealthily took her away to a nearby forest, where Shiva used to live. The love-torn Parvati immediately put herself into deep penance. Shiva became very much pleased with her but he still wanted to see if she really had true love for him. So he appeared before her in the form of Vishnu and started speaking ill of Shiva. But Parvati was unshaken in her determination. Then Shiva appeared in his real form and said,"I can see now that you have won my heart. So I am happy enough to accept you as my wife."
It is said that Parvati was so pleased with her friends, who helped her in her great hours of need, that she sent for them to share her happiness. Since then women have aside this occasion, now known as Teej or Haritalika, to meet their female friends and have a happy get-together. (Hari and talika together means to be taken away by one's friends). They usually go in sizeable groups singing the festival songs on their way to the temples. Besides, the interesting custom of sending delicacies to their bosom friends and relatives on the eve also seems to remind us of the warm feelings and love Parvati had for her good friends.Like Parvati, women fast during Teej in the name of Lord Shiva. According to the Bhavishya Purana, those who fast on this day are sure to remove that blessings of the Lord. Particularly, the unmarried Hindu girls fast and worship Shiva with sincere faith and devotion because they beleive that by during so, they would find ideal husbands. So Nepalese women, especially girls, dress up in their best attire (usually red colored) and visit Shiva temples. The most attractive temple for all kinds of ceremonial activities on this day is the Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu.Another interesting aspect of the festival is having dar (feeding upon piecemeals) on the eve. Consequently, the fasting women spend the entire day singing and going round the temples without any noticeable sing of fatigue.Women break their fast on the second day that marks the beginning of another ritual-worship of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-headed God of good luck (see chapter 1 and 18). Worshipping Ganesh on this day is believed to ensure success for all the wishes the fasting women make on Teej.

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